The Core Course is composed of 10 modules representing different aspects of prevention science and its application to practice. It is designed to give participants a foundation in the knowledge and skills needed to undertake evidence-based
prevention programming at the community level.
Using Adolescent Development to Inform Prevention Practice: Brain and Behavior
In this 1 hour webinar, participants will review major social and biological factors of adolescent development and implications for ways to approach substance use prevention/intervention.
Objectives Include:
Describe prevalence rates for adolescent substance use in Region 8 including the most frequently used substances.
Explain social and biological (brain development) factors of adolescent development in relation to substance use.
Analyze the relation between developmental factors and prevention/intervention of substance use
This webinar was presented under the direction of the Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), which is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and covers the HHS Region8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY).
Certificate of Completion Available
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UTC 22: Recovery management and Relapse Prevention
UTC 22: Recovery management and Relapse Prevention provides a foundational understanding of recovery management and relapse prevention. It covers discussion on the process of recovery, the variance from treatment as well as the elements of relapse and relapse prevention.
This course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge to help individuals manage their own recovery by identifying relapse triggers, developing healthy coping skills and ways to manage recovery through individual, family and community approach. It also presents challenges and issues that are sometimes encountered in recovery management - issues such as dealing with mental health and physical health issues, the role that medication assisted treatment can play in recovery management and very importantly, the role of addressing trauma in recovery. This course also examines the role of peer support specialists and recovery coaches in helping support recovery from substance use disorders.
After completing the course, you will fill out a certificate request form. Your certificate will be emailed to you within one week of course completion.
This course is part of a training series developed through funding from the U.S. Department of State to The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP). More information on the Colombo Plan can be found at
You must create an ISSUP membership to register for this course. To enroll in this course, visit the ISSUP Website.
Warning Signs of Suicide When Discontinuing Opioids
This 30-minute course is intended to help community providers identify their role in helping patients transition away from a dependence on opioids and to encourage them to study more about pain management and suicide prevention.
The objectives of the course are to teach the community providers how to:
Define the meaning of the SAVE acronym
Identify the warning signs of suicide
Explain how to conduct a suicide assessment
Describe how to discuss lethal means
Refer patients at imminent risk of suicide, or in need of further assessment, to live crisis resources.
Funding for this course was made possible by grant no. 1H79TI080816-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Certificate of Completion Available
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What Does Not Work in Prevention is a course for prevention practitioners designed to help them identify interventions that have been shown through research to NOT be effective in preventing substance misuse, understand
evidence-based approaches that can be used as effective alternatives to the ineffective/counterproductive strategies, and engage in strategies to address resistance to discontinuing ineffective and/or counterproductive prevention strategies.
The course consists of an interactive content module and a completion quiz. It is estimated that the course may take up to 2 hours to complete.
This course was developed by the Great Lakes Prevention Technology transfer, which is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and covers the HHS Region 5 (IN, IL, MI, MN, OH, WI).
Certificate of Completion available
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Health equity matters in prevention and has always mattered. It is and should always be at the core of everything we do. This means understanding the role of structural and institutional inequality in creating disparities. With health
equity in the front of mind we can ensure that we are providing the best prevention interventions possible to meet community needs. Take this course to uncover why health equity matters and how we can prioritize equity in action.
The course consists of an interactive content module and a completion quiz. It is estimated that the course may take up to 2 hours to complete.
This course was developed by the Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center, which is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and covers the HHS Region 5 (IN, IL, MI, MN, OH, WI).
Certificate of Completion Available
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In this 1.5 - hour video course, we discuss engaging youth prevention leaders in the virtual setting to address substance misuse prevention. By the end of this course, participants will gain an understanding of tools for communicating
safely and effectively with youth, virtual project planning tools and techniques to build youth buy-in and ways to foster youth development virtually.
Developed by the Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC).
Certificate of Completion Available
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In this 2.5 hour video course, we discuss engaging youth prevention leaders in the virtual setting to address substance misuse prevention. By the end of this course, participants will gain an understand of tools for communicating safely and effectively
with youth, virtual project planning tools and techniques to build youth buy-in, and ways to foster youth development virtually. This course includes a 1-hour live Q & A following completion of the pre-recorded modules.
Developed by the Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center.
Certificate of Completion Available
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