The Psychiatrist's Guide to PopulationManagementofDiabetes
This 3-hour, self-paced course is designed for psychiatric prescribers who treat patients with serious mental illness. This course aims to increase prescriber knowledge and confidence in identification and managementofdiabetes
and cardiovascular risk factors. Based on a PopulationManagement approach, this 3-module course will provide strategies to identify care gaps and stratify risks related to diabetes in a population with serious mental illness; address
prevention ofdiabetes through strategies to support health behavior change that are feasible in specialty mental health settings; and describe treatment options for Type 2 diabetes, including goals ofdiabetes care for patients with
serious mental illness.
This online course was created by the Northwest Region 10 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
3.0 Hour Certificate of Completion Available
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