IntroductiontoSubstanceAbusePrevention: Understanding the Basics (Pre-SAPST Course)
This foundational course serves as the required, introductory module for the in-person SubstanceAbusePrevention Skills Training (SAPST). This self-paced course offers practitioners new to the field of prevention, or working in related
fields, an introductionto the history of prevention, key concepts and definitions, specific drug effects, and an exciting glimpse into the effects of substance use and addiction on the brain.
Participants will learn about: Basic terminology and facts; History of substance use and prevention in the United States; Addiction and the brain; and, Effects and health risks of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
This course was developed by the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC).
5.0 Hours Certificate of Completion Available
*Note: this course is a required pre-requisite course for the in-person SubstanceAbusePrevention Skills Training (SAPST) but can be taken as a stand-alone course.
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