Cultivating CompassionateSchool Communities that Respond to Trauma Effectively
This 12 hour course offers recommendations to cultivate a compassionateschool community that will buffer against the negative effects of trauma, build resilience for all students, and provide stress-relief and enhanced well-being for
teachers and other school personnel as well as students.
Participants will learn how to implement the CompassionateSchool Mental Health model being used to enhance services to schools and districts in the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center's Childhood Trauma-Learning Collaborative.
Learn about the neurobiology of trauma and toxic stress, how it affects staff and student well-being, and best practices for preventing, responding to, and alleviating the effects of trauma. Get guidance on developing a vision to transform
into a compassionateschool community that includes the voices of many stakeholders. Gain understanding of how a compassionateschool mental health support system can help schools create systems, policies, and protocols to prevent,
address, and recover from tragedies and crises including staff or student suicide, school violence, natural disasters, and global pandemics.
All of these activities, including case studies, will allow for knowledge application and prepare participants to consider implications for schoolwide implementation.
This course was developed by the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center with funding by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
12 hour Certificate of Completion Available
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