This category contains courses on special topics in the behavioral health field. This category has many subcategories.

Image du cours NIATx Change Leader Academy: Rapid-Cycle Testing for Teams
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours Law & Ethics of Clinician-Client Relationships
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours Motivational Interviewing for Opioid Intervention Courts
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours Peer Integration into Treatment and Recovery Courts
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours HCV Snapshot: Introduction to Hepatitis C for Health Care Professionals
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours Introduction to Primary Care for Substance Use Disorder Professionals
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours Understanding the Basics of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Special Topics in Behavioral Health

Image du cours Pre-Plea Diversion Courts for People with Opioid Use Disorders
Special Topics in Behavioral Health