Prioritizing Racial Equity and Advancing Cultural Humility in the Workplace: Real Change for Real Lives
The goal of this 7 hour course is to increase awareness of the importance of culturally responsive practices in behavioral health and recovery-oriented care. This course offers practical guidance and evidence-based resources to support agencies and organizations on their journey toward enhancing equitable practices in behavioral health access, treatment, recovery, and care.
Funded by SAMHSA/HHS, this course was developed by regional centers of the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network—New England MHTTC, Northwest MHTTC, Pacific Southwest MHTTC—and the National Coordinating Office of the Technology Transfer Center Network. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official view of, nor an endorsement, by SAMHSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
Certificate of Completion Available
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Basics of Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis
The Basics of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for Early Psychosis is a self-paced online course designed introduce the evidence-based, multidisciplinary early intervention service for individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis. The purpose
of this 5 hour course is to provide a basic orientation to CSC's treatment components for staff and trainees that are beginning to work in a CSC program and to those who are interested in learning more about CSC.
Each course module is co-presented by individuals with professional and lived experience. The following course was developed with financial support provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMSHA).
Certificate of Completion Available
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This 5-hour, self-paced course is the STRIDE Group Facilitator Training, a follow up to the popular Empowering Wellness in Mental Health: Helping People with their Lifestyle Changes, which outlines the principles and evidence behind the STRIDE Program,
developed by Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research.
What makes this course unique is that it was developed specifically for people living with mental illness, taking anti-psychotic medications to help reduce the cardiovascular risks often experienced by this population.
Learn with the developers of the STRIDE Program to explore and understand the Group program curriculum.
The University of Washington is an approved provider of continuing education for DOH licensed social workers, licensed mental health counselors, licensed marriage and family therapists, psychologists, chemical dependency professionals, nurses and physicians
under the provisions of: WAC 246-809-610, WAC 246-809-620,WAC 246-811-200, WAC 246-840-210, WAC 246-919-460 and WAC 246-924-240.
This online course was created by the Northwest Region 10 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Certificate of Completion Available
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Behavioral Health and Substance Use Awareness in the Workplace
This 1.5 hour course is designed to educate employers and employees about mental health and substance use issues that may arise in the workplace and how to manage them. It is not designed for the mental health professional, and this series
does not train the viewer to diagnose, only to recognize and respond. Behavioral health and substance use are common occurrences. Everyone in the workplace can make an impact by learning more about these conditions, working to reduce
stigma, and learning how to talk to a coworker who might be struggling and help them to access supportive resources.
This presentation was prepared for the Mid-America Addiction Technology Center (Mid-America ATTC), Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America MHTTC), and the Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America PTTC) under a cooperative agreement from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Certificate of Completion Available
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Introduction to Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
This 2-hour self-paced course has been designed to introduce the evidence-based practice of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) for ACT team members, and those who oversee ACT teams at various levels (e.g., agency, state). Covering the
origins and philosophy, and core elements of high-fidelity ACT, this course provides an overview for those new to or who have limited experience with ACT. The model is discussed in application through three fictional ACT service recipients,
that have been informed by decades of experience by the course creators, Lorna Moser, Ph.D. (UNC) and Maria Monroe-DeVita, Ph.D. (UW).
This online course was created by the Northwest Region 10 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Certificate of Completion Available
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This 3-hour, self-paced course is designed to serve as a primer in foundational concepts related to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and its application to psychotic symptoms and experiences. Learners will start by testing their knowledge
on a 30-item adapted CBT quiz, and will then be guided to complete brief modules on the topics of (1) psychosis education, (2) CBT fundamentals, and (3) applying CBT to psychosis. Finally, learners will apply what they’ve learned to
a practice and self-reflection exercise. Resources for further learning are provided.
This online course was created by the Northwest Region 10 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Physicians, physician assistants, primary care ARNPs, psychologists, and other health care providers may be eligible for CME or CEUs for completing the course. Retain your Certificate of Completion and verify its suitability for CME/CEUS with your licensing/credentialing entity.
Violence Risk Assessment & Management is a self-paced e-learning course that provides the necessary tools for clinicians to assess, manage, and stabilize threats of violence in clinical settings. Participants will learn:
Duty to Warn
Risk Assessment and Management
This online course was created by the Northwest Region 10 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Physicians, physician assistants, primary care ARNPs, psychologists, and other health care providers may be eligible for CME or CEUs for completing the course. Retain your Certificate of Completion and verify its suitability for CME/CEUS with your licensing/credentialing entity.
3.0 Hours Certificate of Completion Available
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The Psychiatrist's Guide to Population Management of Diabetes
This 3-hour, self-paced course is designed for psychiatric prescribers who treat patients with serious mental illness. This course aims to increase prescriber knowledge and confidence in identification and management of diabetes
and cardiovascular risk factors. Based on a Population Management approach, this 3-module course will provide strategies to identify care gaps and stratify risks related to diabetes in a population with serious mental illness; address
prevention of diabetes through strategies to support health behavior change that are feasible in specialty mental health settings; and describe treatment options for Type 2 diabetes, including goals of diabetes care for patients with
serious mental illness.
This online course was created by the Northwest Region 10 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
3.0 Hour Certificate of Completion Available
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Empowering Wellness in Mental Health: Helping People with their Lifestyle Changes
Making lifestyle changes is hard for most people, but for those living with serious mental health conditions and taking antipsychotic medications, the risks of not living a healthy lifestyle are far greater. This group is at greater
risk of developing obesity and related health conditions like diabetes which contribute to substantial cardiovascular health disparities. This can result in an average life expectancy that is 20+ years shorter than the general population.
But there are proven things you can do to help people start and sustain healthy changes that can combat these risks.
This 1-hour self-paced course will review the specific risks to this group and explain proven approaches to lifestyle changes. You will learn evidence-based skills and key components to help people identify and work towards their
goals. The course will describe effective strategies, motivational techniques and point to additional resources so you can learn more.
Developed by the Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center with support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Certificate of Completion Available
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