Federally funded programs are responsible for ensuring their information and services are accessible to persons with disabilities (Revised 508 Standards). The purpose of this brief tutorial is to provide an overview of how Microsoft PowerPoint
365 builds in features that assists users in creating accessible presentations. Topics include 1) use of an accessible slide design or template, 2) ensuring contrast ratio between text and background is sufficient, 3) adding Alternative
Text (ALT TEXT) to images and other objects, 4) importance of creating unique slide titles, and 5) tips on running the accessibility checker in PowerPoint.
This course was developed by the Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center under a cooperative agreement from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Education Credit: This tutorial is available on demand and is not deemed eligible for continuing education credits. A Course Completion Certificate will be available for those who view the tutorial in its entirety.
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